Posts tagged viet doctor

Chilblains are small, itchy swellings on the skin that occur as a reaction to cold temperatures.

They most often affect the body's extremities, such as the toes, fingers, heels, ears and nose.

Chilblains can be uncomfortable, but rarely cause any permanent damage. They normally heal within a few weeks if further exposure to the cold is avoided.

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Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that's hot or painful to touch.

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PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The symptoms of PCOS include excess hair (hirsutism), scalp hair loss, acne, weight gain, difficulties with fertility, increased anxiety and depression and irregular or infrequent periods. There is also information on the possible causes of PCOS, and other health problems linked with PCOS.

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